I heard it said that negative feedback is better than no feedback, or you need to hear the negative to fix the mistakes. While that is true, for the purpose of this blog, there are two types of negative feedback. Critical and harsh. You can tell someone they suck without using the word suck.
This cherry pie sucked!
This cherry didn’t do it for me.
Both tell the baker he didn’t do a
good job on the pie, but while one can make the baker reexamine his recipe, the other can inadvertently make that baker put away his
mixing bowl for a long time.
When you put yourself out there,
especially as a writer, you have to expect the bad with the good. I know this,
I have been doing this a long time. People are going to love your stories, hate
your stories, or be indifferent.
You can’t please everyone, and I
know that. I love getting positive feedback, emails thanking me for a great
story, I mean, who doesn’t. Believe it or not, I don’t mind the critical ones.
Often times, I see their point and make the change or mental note.
Not Harsh Negative.
There’s a big difference you know
and every so often, every couple years, something I write causes a rash of harsh
negative emails. Again, not critical, but harsh negative.
For example, things like … (Taken
from recent emails)
‘I’ll never read your books again, the errors were horrible.’
‘I wanted to throw my kindle, what a waste.’
‘Did you even graduate eighth grade?’
(Why do I get asked this? It’s happened before)
‘What were you thinking putting
out crap like this’
A recent critical comment, the woman
said, ‘I really enjoyed the story, there seemed to be far more errors than
normal for you, please let me know if I can help.’
If you don’t see the difference, I
can’t explain. But I can say this, the impact of the emails makes a difference.
One type tells me, ‘Wow, she hasn’t given up on me’, the other makes me
question as to why I even bother.
Recently, after a book was released
through my publisher, those harsh negative emails started to arrive. All stating
multiple errors, but they weren’t just letting me know about them, they were
slamming me as a writer. I’ve had this happen with self published books, despite
having two or three sets of eyes on the book. Things slip by.
But this … this is relentless and I
am not exaggerating. It started as a few here and there after the release. A
couple critical, one or two harsh negative and then it took a turn. After a
weekend of several a day, suddenly, every single day I am getting no less than
five emails. First, balancing out between criticism and negative and then the
scales tipped. Never in my career have I ever gotten so many negative, bashing
emails a day over one book. The ones not ‘slamming’ became few and far between.
It has gotten to the point if I see an email and the subject even slightly
talks about ‘The Book’, I don’t even open it. I have probably 50 unread in my
inbox. So I apologize if you were emailing about something else and I didn’t
reply yet..
Not one. Not a single one is positive.
And you know what sucks? I LOVED writing that book, I created a cover from
scratch and labored over it. Before you say it’s on the publisher, ask yourself
… is it? My name is on that book and my name is also synonymous with self
publishing so those who know my work just assume it’s self published. They aren’t
blaming a publisher, they’re blaming me.
Maybe I should take it as a good
thing that people feel they can reach out to me about this. That I am so
approachable they can tell me anything,
There are readers I communicate with
regularly that are just ‘letting me know how horrible it was’,. Not the story,
the errors, then again, no one cares about this story. Little hint, if a book
has been out for a couple months, and it’s that bad, really there’s no need to let me know, chances are 50 others
beat you to the punch.
So here I have a super original
story, I freaking loved, sunk to a quicksand world of humiliation. A work I
want to be proud of but now that ship has sailed.
For the errors, I blame myself. I
didn’t pick up what the editor missed. My eyes read what my mind wrote.
I own it. My readers deserve the
best I can give them and I failed them.
I know how frustrating it is to be
in the flow of reading only to be halted by an avoidable error. I have reached
out to many authors and none have ever experienced this, especially at this
volume. Readers leave the negativity in the reviews for them not their inbox.
Heck not even I have had it this bad.
This is a phenomenon, even after I
was assured the mistakes were corrected the emails not only kept coming but
grew in numbers.
The bottom line is, everyone has
their breaking point. I’ve reached mine along with a legitimate fear that his could
be the downfall of everything I worked so hard for.
So why did I write this blog? Maybe
to vent, to be a bit of therapy, but mainly to ask anyone reading this that before
you fire off an email of criticism/complaint penned in your frustration,
whether it’s a coworker, an author, a business, just pause, breathe, reread before
you hit send.
As a consumer, leaving bad reviews
are your right, say what you want. But when sending a personal email, just know
you, think it through.
Maybe I’m wrong. But I just wanted
to put this out there.
I think I have read almost all your books. I love them all! Yes, I saw errors.. just read past them. I would never slam an author for those mistakes… glass houses…
ReplyDeleteThat’s bull crap! Everyone has taken the right to free speech to the right for hate speech! If you don’t like something tell what you don’t like, give feedback so it can be corrected! If you just want to hate, don’t bother purchasing another book by that author! DON’T BE A DICK! Jackie is the author, not the editor!! Good lord…. People please…..
ReplyDeleteI personally love everything you’ve ever written, and have never found that many errors. People just like being Buttholes.
ReplyDeleteI will continue to buy and read everything you do because I'm secretly in love with you
ReplyDeleteI have read every single one of your books and there is not one that would be deserving of that kind of criticism/negativity. Every one of your books is special and unique. Please don't let a few bad apples ruin your greatness.
ReplyDeleteEVERY time I see that you have a new book out it’s like Christmas for me! Yes sometimes there are errors but I read over them no big deal. Many other authors that I read have errors as well, we are all human. Please realize that these people are unhappy with themselves and take it out on others. I hope you continue to write books because you are by far my absolute favorite author.
ReplyDeleteJackie is my favorite author too😊👍💕
DeleteFor month now your books have been the only ones I have been reading . Yes I have seeing the errors but the are easilyover looked. I make them i not a big deal really . It’s just something that gets missed . Sorry people are so mean
ReplyDeleteI understand what you mean... a few years ago I went through a time where I felt I had reached my negativity threshold. I had to step away for awhile until I got over it. But, please don't quit writing. There are many of us who love your stories. Unfortunately people who enjoy complaining are more likely to let you know then us who enjoy everything you write. And for that I am so sorry. I'm so impressed by the originally of your stories and your character development is so good I get sucked into every story.
ReplyDeleteSince I discovered your books a few months ago I rarely read anything that isn't written by you. I've been a reader from a young age and never been a follower of any author until you. I just skipped from book to book not really paying attention to who wrote it. Again please don't quit! Whatever will I do with no more Beginnings books? Frank is my favorite character and I'm pretty sure there are many of us who can't wait until the next book in that series.
THANK YOU! I should have Beginnings Book 34 AND a sidebar book out this week!!!! Actually, to counteract the negative feelings I buried myself with my Slagel crew because it makes me laugh and happy!
DeleteI agree with you 100%.
DeleteI think your books are awesome!
ReplyDeleteI’m really sorry. It is so easy for people to be such jerks behind a keyboard. You are a very talented author. Never believe anything else.
ReplyDeleteJackie your an extremely talented writer. I don't read your books for their spelling and grammar. I read them for your great storytelling. Yes as an author you strive for perfection. But throughout the ages book readers just love the story being well told. That is what you do. If some don't get that it is their loss. Keep up the good work. An Aussie fan.
ReplyDeleteThere are ways to say you need to correct your typos in a kind way and if you are receiving a bunch of negative comments it's more about your readers being just plain mean. You can't take it personally. I remember the first email I ever sent you was about all the typos in one of your books and did you need an extra proof reader. I think you just need to take a break,go to Mexico and drink many Margaritas. I think you will come home ready to write again because you are a writer and a damn good one.
ReplyDeleteI will read everything you write. You have a captivating way of telling a story that is real. You’re imagination is astounding and overshadows most errors. You are human, we all are human and all have imperfections. They don’t detract from your ability to take us on a journey. Please don’t let those assholes opinions overpower the voices of your fans
ReplyDeleteYou’re brilliant. F*^k them. There is so much negativity in the world right now. I am so excited when you share anything new with your readers. I have read nearly everything you have put out there. No one I’ve read in genres tells a tale as well as you. If you want more eyes on a piece, send it my way again.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know why it says anonymous, it’s Wendi 😉
DeleteI don't know how many of your books I've read now - I'm re-reading The Flu. I love them all.You could be on the receiving end of a hate campaign, it's a pretty common thing online these days. Seriously, it takes little effort to create multiple personalities online. Anyway, I rarely read from other authors, you should be proud of everything.
ReplyDeleteJackie, I am sorry that so many people sent that type of email just to berate you. Like most of your viewers, I love your books, am captivated by your stories, and I think you are an awesome person❤️ I can’t help take away the sting of those hurtful emails, but please keep in mind that there are so many more of us that appreciate you and look forward to any and all books that you still have to share 😘 you are very loved and appreciated!