Saturday, February 14, 2015

Walking Dead Spoiler Splash - Episode 10

You know, sometimes you just can’t wait. Sometimes you just have to know. I am that type of person. I fact check while watching shows and constantly have to seek spoilers.

I am a Walking Dead junkie, like a crackhead needing a fix, I am everywhere, saying, ‘you got something. What do you have.’

Hence, why I am going to be doing this blog. My ‘go to’ site for spoilers hasn’t been, well, as informative, so I contacted the crack team (Crack, haha) of spoiler masters that I knew provided the info to that site. I am pleased and blessed to announce they will be providing me with the spoilers.

They are very reliable. Please do not ask me to divulge where they get them from, I cannot.

Each Thursday morning I will post spoiler sneaks. Then on my show, Thursday night 9 pm, a member of the Spoiler Splash Team will pop by the show, divulge a little more or get more in-depth over what I posted.

Feel free to follow the blog or follow me on Twitter. @gojake

Through the weekend, I will update the blog as Spoilers come in. I promise to give you the most reliable source of spoilers and info you can get for Walking Dead.

After the mid season premiere, I am hoping that episode 10 is better. It should be for those who were disappointed

And now that the intro is out of the way, here we go.  Spoilers as Q & A Format.
S6E10 – Them


Will we see the Daryl Cry Face?
Unfortunately, yes, but we won’t hear Beth singing.

Does Aaron show up?
Yes, he does and is not greeted friendly.

Do they take the water left for them or was that a trick?
We don’t know if it is a trick, but they pass it by. We do get rain.

Speaking of rain, is it true there is some Z nation weather inspired stuff this episode.
Yes. WD has decided to take a clue from Z-Nation and show that the force of nature is greater that the force of a decaying body.

Are there dogs or wolves that show up?
Dogs, and yes, we are left to wonder if it really has become a dog eat dog, or er, human eat dog world.

Will we see Morgan this episode?
From what we have seen, the answer is no.

If anything new shows up, I’ll up date


  1. I don't think it's very fair to be making it sound like the ex-mods from Spoil the Dead personally obtained these spoilers. If you are constantly seeking out spoilers, then you would know that all of the information you've posted was posted exclusively by The Spoiling Dead Fans earlier this week due to their own hard work with their source. That fact is very evident just by glancing at their FB page, forum, Twitter or Tumblr. All Spoil the Dead does is copy and paste them to their forum without saying where they came from. How would you feel if somebody copied and pasted your blog or repeated parts of your podcast and claimed that it came from somewhere else? Not very good, I'd imagine. I've been a member of both sites for over a year now and it's almost a running joke. But still, I hope in the future you do your due diligence. It only hurts your integrity by doing this.

    1. This is food for thought, Pam, I assumed when I got info that they had obtained it, in the future I will double check the STD site before I post and credit them as well. as having the information. I am not aware which other site you are talking about.

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